Sunday, 25 December 2011

Armen Noir Drama CD "Crimson Sensei no Shinsatsushitsu"


This drama cd is a tokuten/special bonus included in limited edition for Armen Noir PS2 by Otomate. Despite the seriousness of main story, this drama full of humour, and we can see the Hunters and Criminals go along together forgetting that their are actually enemies .

"Crimson Sensei no Shinsatsushitsu” or in english “Dr. Crimson’s Examining Room” told us a story of Crimson’s job as the only doctor in 999 area. Today, he is busy with several patients (and most of them actually don’t have a real sickness), including Zecks, Elle, Knives and Rain.

Note: this article is full of SPOILER for the drama cd, read at your own risk.

Monday, 28 November 2011

[Translation] NEVERLAND by Valshe


NEVERLAND is a song from Storyteller album by Valshe, a Utattemite singer that famous in Nico-nico Douga (like youtube but in japanese). She (yes, although her song voice is so boyish, she is a she) is one of my favorite singer now. She already has four albums under major label: Storyteller, Jester, Revolt and Valuable Sheaves. Except Valuable Sheaves, all the songs in her albums are original (Valuable Sheaves contains vocaloid Kagamine Ren's song like Soundless Voice and Migikata no Chou).

Saturday, 8 October 2011

[Review] Frozen Essence by Unbroken Hours

Frozen Essence - English otome-Unbroken Hours

Genre: Otome, Fantasy
- 16 different endings
- 90+ CGs
- Original sound track (22 tracks)
- 4 main bachelors and a hidden character
- Approximately 40-60 minutes per path
Price: Free

From Unbroken Hours:
In a world balanced by essence, you play as a girl unsealed from her crystal prison. Without a memory and with dark powers feared by many, will she get by? Will she find love? With the guidance and protection from the oracle within her realm, her journey begin.

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